Live Overview

As we slowly make our way towards whatever the “new normal” may look like what has become obvious is the world of learning and development will never be the same as our pre Covid 19 offerings and experiences. Despite the tragic impact of the virus much of the impact on our field may well be positive. With no alternatives during what was at times almost a total global lockdown previous flirtations with online and live virtual channels suddenly took center stage and progressed rapidly – exampled by the live virtual and online development and MBA programmes offered elsewhere on this site.

However, as the virus is curbed we are likely to see requests for a balance of development offerings which will include online, live virtual and LIVE.

With this in mind, we at BSM have taken the opportunity to update and revise our core live development programme offerings in five specific areas:

The detailed examples quoted in this section are based on a 3 day offering but, as always, various lengths and content are available tailored and shaped to particular needs as requested. Designed and delivered by Joel Farnworth MAML, Chartered Fellow CIPD they represent leading edge development opportunities across APAC, MENA and further afield on request. is available to answer any and all queries and progress programme organisation and attendance as desired.